Intermezzo - Butterfly Story
Intermezzo is a short, light, entre'acte in between the Alive episodes. The Butterfly Story is also narrated on Elisabet Sahtouris website. Elisabet bases Butterfly on the book by Norie Huddle who believes humanity urgently needs a new “myth for our times” to inspire us and give us hope for the future.Metamorphosis of the butterfly makes a good metaphor for the great changes globalization, in the sense of world transformation is bringing about.
Enjoy current episodes while we prepare Season 2 with lots of storytelling! Find @credko on Twitter. See alivepodcast.net
Thank you,
Cristina Redko, PhD
Key Sources:
See Elisabet Sahtouris website: http://www.sahtouris.com
Norie Huddle. Butterfly. See http://butterflyblessings.net
Elisabet Sahtouris. Gaia’s Dance: The Story of Earth & Us, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2018
“L’Adieu” by George Peter Tingle, piano interpreted by Justin Allan.
Theme music created by Tim Moor. Source: https://soundcloud.com/tymur-khakimov